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Thursday, May 23, 2024


 Hydrodermabrasion has been popular for a while now and there are reasons for that: with this treatment, you can get the best level of pore cleanliness with the amassing results like those with microdermabrasion and, the “hydro” explains the amazing skin hydrating properties of the facial.

 During the treatment gentle exfoliation is achieved as abrasive materials are substituted with distilled water infused with vitamins and minerals. Hydrodermabrasion is the recommended acne treatment for all the skin types doesn’t irritate the skin and it’s completely painless. During the treatment itself, the top layer of the skin is exfoliated, along with it goes all the goop packed inside the pores living them clean.

 The benefits of hydrodermabrasion for the skin are well documented, and, very well advertised, which is great for business – just go in Instagram, just recently we saw a Chelsea Handler promoting non-surgical approach for a polished, glowing look with the hydrodermabrasion hashtag. Apart for the hydration, the plumped-up polished skin, clear of the dead skin cells, another amazing feature for those tired of acne – the product absorption. Hydrodermabrasion makes skin receptive for all anti-acne treatments, they can finally seep into the skin instead of just sitting on top of clogged pores.

 Simply put, apart from all of the other awesome results, hydrodermabrasion is the best acne-be-gone facial, so you will get a lot of hours of work from the machine. So, our only recommendation is: pick a great one. We are huge fans of the Zemits as most of their highly rated and very popular machines are multifunctional, adding a line popular advanced beauty procedures to your list of beauty treatments.

 Women tirelessly strive to improve their beauty and attractiveness. To get perfect body parameters, they try new diets, do physical exercise, and visit beauty salons. One of the most popular salon procedures used for body sculpting, reduction of skin imperfections, and cellulite is or in other words “Endermological lipomassage”. Endermological Lipo-massage is an innovative method of massaging with a vacuum-roller as an alternative to liposuction. In fact, this is often referred to as “doing sports on a couch” because a patient can lie completely still during a therapy session.

 What is lipomassage? “Lipo” means fat, and “massage” is self-explanatory. The balance between fat deposition and fat burning is a natural result of how fat cells, or adipocytes work. Over time, despite healthy eating and regular physical activity, the processes of fat accumulation begin to dominate. As a result, unwanted body fat appears. Lipomassage is an exclusive technology which gets rid of fat deposits that diets, physical exercise, and other methods cannot be eliminated with. Furthermore, the procedure is absolutely safe and painless, where a beautician uses a professional endermological machine to achieve desired effects.

 Lipo-massaging machines mechanically affect the skin and its subcutaneous layer by rotating rollers upon it while a vacuum influenced a massaged body part. First, this method was used to treat burn scars with great success. Later, the therapy was applied to healthy tissues to reduce cellulite, improve skin tone, and sculpt the body.

 The device for this procedure looks like a special system which allows one to comprehensively affect the soft tissues with the help of self-propelled rollers. Rollers are installed in a special handpiece and can rotate in different directions. Between them, there is a vacuum chamber that slightly lifts up and kneads the skin.

 They are also equipped with a digital monitor which helps beauticians to choose the appropriate program to use on each patient. This intelligent programming makes any procedure easy and painless. The likelihood that something will go wrong is very minimal as the whole process is automated. A specialist should only choose programs in accordance with each client’s individual problems, and move the maniple with rollers along the skin.

 A hardware operating principle is based on the fact that the skin and adipose tissue are drawn into a handpiece by creating negative pressure. With various speeds and intensities, the skin assembled in a fold is processed by rollers, causing active fat burning.

 This treatment begins with a preliminary diagnosis. Each person is different has their own problem areas which need to be treated. Thus, a client should answer some questions concerning his or her lifestyle and health before a treatment. Then, a specialist will create a personal massage program while taking into account the patient’s requirements and individual characteristics. Next, the client must wear a special costume and rest in a comfortable position. During lipomassage, a beautician works with the chosen skin problem areas, with the help of dynamic and deep movements. A patient also assists in this procedure by moving into various positions.

 Lipomassage for android morphotype: This is applied to the areas of the abdomen, back, and arms. The manipulation encourages the volume reduction of deep fat deposits and subcutaneous fat in the upper part of the body. The procedure lasts 35 minutes, and its results include a tight stomach and slimmer waist and arms.

 Endermological massage for the treatment of cellulite: It is applied on areas with cellulite. After the therapy, volumes of fat deposits are reduced, the effect of an “orange peel” is eliminated, and skin turgor is regenerated. Treatment duration is 35 minutes.

 Endermological drainage for “light legs”: As a result of the manipulation, microcirculation, venous outflow, and leg contour improve, and a patient feels lightness in his or her legs. Treatment duration is 25 minutes.

 Full lipomassage procedure: This is used to treat cellulite, restore skin turgor, and reduce the volume of fat deposits in the upper and lower parts of the body. It takes only 35 minutes, but after the session, a client sees a more slim, attractive, and harmonious shape, and his or her skin becomes firm and beautiful.

 Lymph-drainage for edematous cellulite: The area of influence is the legs. This procedure is aimed at stimulating lymph drainage and gradually getting rid of cellulite. After several sessions, cellulite appearance is significantly reduced and harmonious contour in the legs are restored. Treatment duration is 35 minutes.

 Lipo-massage for recovery of skin quality: This is applied to the weakened skin. By stimulating the production of elastin and collagen, skin quality is restored. After several sessions, a client will feel the effects, like more elastic skin and a trimmer figure. The procedure takes 35 minutes.

 Special lipo- massage for men: This is performed to reduce fat deposits in problem areas peculiar to men. As a result, the stomach becomes taut and the skin firmer and shinier. To get great effects it is recommended to have several 25-minute sessions.

 The main reason for cellulite appearance is stress. The human body immediately responds to any changes that affect it, whether it is a bad environment, poor nutrition, a sedentary lifestyle, or lack of proper rest. If the body has to continually operate in such conditions, pathological changes in the nervous, circulatory, and lymphatic systems will inevitably arise. All this is a direct precursor to the emergence of “orange peel”.

Aesthetic Nurse Definition

  allows beauticians to fight cellulite or prevent its appearance in its earliest stages. This treatment eliminates physical effects of stress and improves overall health.

 The pronounced drainage effect after an anti-cellulite endermological massage normalizes microcirculation and lymph circulation. Each procedure accelerates the flow of oxygen and nutrients to the cellulite-affected tissue and helps remove toxins. After an entire session, the volume of fat deposits are reduced and “orange peel” disappears.

 Thevacuum-roller machine allows estheticians to massage of specific zones like the buttocks, abdominal wall, thighs, shoulders, and more. Furthermore, it increases the proliferative activity of fibroblasts that encourages an enhanced production of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid, making scars and stretchmarks maximally unnoticeable.

 Lipomassage increases endorphins production (“joy” hormones which have an analgesic and anti-stress effect), being the reason why this treatment is successful in anti-stress therapy.

 A course usually consists of 10-20 procedures. The exact number of sessions depends on skin condition and desired effects. For instance, a patient needs approximately 10 treatments of lipo-massages on the abdomen, and 15 for the hips since cellulite is more pronounced there. Sessions are held 2-3 times per a week for the duration of 35-45 minutes.

 A beautician determines the total number of procedures by taking into account the patient’s individual characteristics, the severity of the problem area, and the patient’s preferences.

 Furthermore, complications may occur. After a treatment, a mild fever can occur due to the mechanical irritation of nerve receptors in the skin (a cup of hot tea will solve this problem). In case of wrongly selected intensity, therapy can be painful and swelling can appear (for just 2-3 hours). Patients with increased capillary fragility may have small subcutaneous bruises in the form of red dots that will also disappear on their own in 5-7 days.

 Vacuum Lipo-massage is carried out with the help of high-tech equipment. Advance Esthetic offers a wide range of such devices from leading brands. Our machines are used in beauty and spa salons, wellness centers, massage parlors, and even in homes; they are well-known for their high quality, great efficiency, reliability, and affordable prices.

 In accordance with a beautician’s goals and the functionality of equipment, beauticians can choose either a multifunctional system or compact in-home device from our online store.

 High-tech multifunctional stations are most widely used in professional beauty and spa salons, wellness centers and other professional businesses due to their functionality and parameters. Despite their size, modern machines are easy to use and safe, and provides estheticians with complete freedom to move comfortably. This greatly facilitates lipomassage. The item is equipped with attachments which allow a specialist to treat deep skin tissues and get to the most remote body areas. While the procedure a patient does not feel any pain, the skin does not damage, and there are no any bruises and redness. Furthermore, clients admire great visible effect in the short term.

 Endermologie machines for home use are also famous for their positive results. Their main advantage lies in the ability to use them anywhere at any time. Moreover, this device is small, powerful, and safe. It helps to fight stress, reduce fat deposits, and perfect body contour.

 Vacuum Lipo-massage is a true find for those who always want to keep fit and help other people look healthy. Apply our machines to your practice and make everybody happier!

 Branding is the art of actively shaping your brand, your name. With creativity, expertise, and strategy, a brand can build the foundation that separates it from competitors and builds trust with its target market. So why is branding important for your waxing business? Or better yet “Is there ever a time when branding doesn't matter?”

 Branding is everything! It’s your reputation and most importantly your future. Here are 7 reasons why your waxing business needs branding.

 Your branding tells your story instantly. It communicates itself. The branding helps promote its own. It builds an emotional connection that compels your target audience to love your brand. A great brand boosts confidence. Your client’s confidence towards who you are and what you do. Also the confidence of your unique selling point (USP).

 Your brands’ values attract like-minded audiences. Just think about the old age, “Birds of the same feather flocks together.” For you to attract the right people you need the right branding. Branding also leads to new perspectives. You are not afraid to recreate things as long as you stick to your brand.

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